Thursday, November 1, 2012

A Gratitude Attitude

One of my professors in seminary started every class with an opportunity for students to share a “Gratitude Attitude.” You could share anything you wanted to; the purpose was simply to encourage you to share something for which you were feeling grateful that day.

It was such a positive way to start a class and it was such an enriching way to get to know my fellow classmates. So much of our time was spent worrying about tests, papers, and getting all of our homework done that we rarely took the time to share with each other the joys and celebrations we were experiencing.

It reminds me of my grandmother: she starts every day by saying “This is the day that the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad in it.” My grandmother lived with us when I was younger and would remind me of this passage from Psalm 118 every day as I would walk out the door. I would generally smile and say “yep, thanks Grandma!” and head out on my way.  My life then, like my life in seminary, was constantly busy and rarely was there time for reflection and prayer.

Even though the pace of life doesn’t seem to have slowed down all that much, I can’t help but be overwhelmed with a sincere sense of gratitude as I sit to write this month’s contribution to our newsletter.

I’m sure that part of the reason is that November means that Thanksgiving is on its way: a day when we purposefully take the time to surround ourselves with family and friends and give thanks for all of the many ways God has blessed us. We may do this by coming together for a meal and enjoying each other’s company; or, we may volunteer our time to serve a meal to others who may not have the same blessings that we have. In either case, there is an aspect of self-reflection and thanks-giving when that third Thursday in November comes around – an opportunity our normally busy lives don’t usually allow.

So, if I might share my Gratitude Attitude for this month, I would say that I am grateful for you, each of you, and the incredible blessing being at Prince of Peace has been for me: the blessing to share my ministry with you and for all of you to share your ministries with me.

As the Thanksgiving decorations start rolling out in the stores and we start preparing for the holiday season, I hope that I can live each day with the grateful demeanor of my grandmother and remember that this is the day that the Lord has made, and I can rejoice and be glad in it.

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