Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Starting the Journey: A New Chapter

Greetings world!

For my family, friends and loved ones who wish to journey with me along this exciting path in my life, here is a blog which I will do my best to update regularly. If you have suggestions on things you'd like me to write about or other comments, please let me know, and I'll do my best to include them.

I find it somewhat ironic that I literally started this new chapter of my life with a journey....a 7-day journey that brought Paul, Phil and I across 17 states (MA, RI, CT, NY, NJ, PA, OH, IA, IL, WI, MN, SD, WY, MT, ID, OR, and CA), traveled over 4,200 miles and saw landscapes and wildlife that prior to this trek had only lived in movies, books and our imagination! (I'm going to try to figure out the best way to share pictures and will let you know soon).

We arrived in San Francisco on Saturday, August 28th and Paul and Phil flew out of SFO Sunday morning at 6am...I wish I had more time to spend with them here in the city, but hopefully it makes them want to come back to see more of where I'll be living (flying here of course!).

My orientation here at Pacific Lutheran Theological Seminary (PLTS) started Monday the 30th. I was introduced to 23 fellow first year students - some of them are transfers and Lutheran Year students, but many of them are first-year seminarians like myself. What an AMAZING group of people they are. It's an incredible feeling to be surrounded by people who have a similar passion and enthusiasm as you do - even though we're all different in many ways, we share something quite significant.

Orientation introduced us to our school, our curriculum and each other - and with each introduction I felt a stronger and stronger affirmation that this is where I'm meant to be.

Over the long weekend I spent some time in San Jose as well as here in Berkeley - I'm still not 100% used to the fact that I LIVE in California, but I'm sure I'll get there soon.

Classes started today. I just returned from Introduction to the Old Testament with Dr. Davidson....it was FANTASTIC (ask me again in a month!). My classes are: Intro to Old Testament, History of Christianity 1, Living Tradition (still not sure what that is), Intro to Greek, Reading Congregations, Intro to Pastoral Care and then we have Formations for Ministry meetings every 2 weeks as a way to check in with a faculty member and fellow students.

So it is for now, and I will be sure to update again soon. Please let me know if you want to hear about anything in particular - I'm happy to share this journey with all of you!



  1. So interesting to hear the names of your classes, and how similar they are to my classes when I got my Masters in Jewish Communal service! Looking forward to reading about your amazing journey.

  2. So glad to have such a great way to keep in touch with you! Missing you lots!

  3. So many questions and things we want to hear about. Thanks for opening this blogspot, and for being willing to share the steps along your path. Congratulations again, so glad you have "'tis the gift to come down where you ought to be." Jill Richards

  4. Thanks for taking us along for the ride. Sounds like a heavy class load. Bet you didn't focus your schedule around long weekends like a lot of freshmen do.
